Pigeons are a much larger intruder that can cause much more damage than most other pests. Their nesting habits and droppings can pose a variety of risks to your home's health, structural integrity, and comfort.
With pigeon removal and control services by All In Pest, your pigeon infestations will be safely removed and dealt with, restoring your property and reducing your exposure to disease, hazards, and other sanitation or safety risks.
Solar panels are the future of renewable energy, and are become a high sought-after accessory in many homes throughout Nevada. A consequence of solar panels is that they are an extremely popular place for pigeons to flock and nest.
Feral pigeons may call your solar equipment home if left unchecked. Not only are they a massive inconvenience, but they are also a major fire hazard, electrical hazard, and are bound to spread disease and reduce the efficiency of your solar panel array.
All In Pest is the most effective control and remediation service in the Nye County and Las Vegas areas. We offer the most comprehensive bird control solutions to eliminate all pigeon problems you may be facing.
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Mon - Fri: 8:30AM - 5PM
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